HC Deb 30 May 1881 vol 261 c1643

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he has received Petitions from the Letter Carriers of the eight metropolitan districts, forwarded on the 26th of last month through the customary official channels, and concluding with the request that he would receive a deputation of the Petitioners' delegates, in the event of his requiring any further explanation on the subject of the said Petitions; and, if so, when the Petitioners may hope for an answer either to the prayer of their Petitions or to their application for an interview?


Before such Memorials as those referred to in the Question of the hon. Member are submitted. to me, it is considered expedient that they should be reported upon by the officials under whom the Memorialists immediately serve, and who are in a position to give valuable information on ninny of the points referred to. In consequence of the Memorials in question having thus to be examined, seven of them reached me as late as Saturday week, and one was received on Tuesday last. It is scarcely necessary for me to say that, in these circumstances, I am not now in a position to arrive at any decision on the subject.