MR. ALDERMAN LAWRENCEasked Mr. Attorney General, What steps have been taken to carry into effect the charitable dispositions made by the will of the late Mr. Mitchell in favour of the poor of the city of London; and, whether he can state in what manner such fund will be disposed of?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Sir HENRY JAMES), in reply, said, a scheme had been prepared, under which the 1309 application of the fund would be intrusted to 15 Trustees, nine of whom would be nominated by the City Corporation, the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and the School Board of London. He had allocated the bequest in the proportion of one-third to the physical wants of the poor, the remaining two-thirds to be devoted to educational purposes. The bequest would ultimately amount, he believed, to between £3,000 and £4,000 per annum.