HC Deb 19 May 1881 vol 261 c820

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he has yet received further information relative to an inquest held on the 30th ult. on Lord Rossmore's property, in the townland of Dumbarton, county Monaghan; if, in addition to the report of the circumstances he saw in the "Freeman's Journal," which created an impression that the ease was unjustifiable and harsh, he also observed a letter from Lord Rossmore's agent, Colonel Lloyd, in that paper, On the 5th instant, explanatory of the transaction; and, if he is aware that Stewart, the tenant sought to he evicted, and on whose evidence the original charge was made in the newspaper referred to, has been returned for trial on a charge of wilful and corrupt perjury said to have been committed at the inquest already alluded to?


in reply, said, that when he had before answered a Question on the subject he had not seen the letter from Lord Rossmore's agent, which gave a different aspect to the transaction. He saw, he might add, a paragraph in the newspapers to the effect that Stewart had been brought before the magistrates on a charge of perjury, and that he would be tried at the next Assizes. Pending the trial he could give no opinion in the matter.