HC Deb 05 May 1881 vol 260 c1816

asked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether any despatches were received by the Colonial Department from Colonel Lanyon during the year 1879, or in the course of the year 1880, previous to the outbreak of hostilities in the Transvaal, expressing opinions as to the state of feeling amongst "the main body of the Boers," in accordance with the views attributed to him in Sir Garnet Wolseley's Despatch of October 29th, 1879 (South Africa Papers, C. 2866), in the following passage:— I do not wish to imply that I myself apprehend the serious outbreak that is said to be threatened, but I have felt it my duty to state that there is good reason for the conclusion, which is now accepted, I think, even more completely by Colonel Lanyon than by me, that the main body of the Boers have a rooted dislike to English Government?


No, Sir; I cannot find any such despatches.