§ (34.) £11,000, Superannuations and Retired Allowances.
§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked for an explanation of an item in this Estimate of £1,900 for "the public offices in Scotland—Universities, &c." He confessed that he should very much like to know what these additional superannuation allowances were for the Scotch Universities?
§ LORD FREDERICK CAVENDISHsaid, the allowances were granted to certain Professorships connected with the Scotch Universities which came under the Superannuation Act. The salaries of these gentlemen appeared in the Estimates; but there were certain additional allowances in the shape of fees.
CAPTAIN AYLMERsaid, the Professors had been entitled to superannuation allowances for some years. Had there been any re-arrangement?
§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLsaid, the sum asked for—£1,900—was a very large one for a single year. He should really like to know what it was.
§ MR. LITTONalso asked for information in regard to an item of £900 for Public Offices in Ireland in connection with the Queen's Bench Division?
§ LORD FREDERICK CAVENDISHsaid, the hon. and gallant Member opposite (Captain Aylmer) said that the Scotch Professors had been entitled to these allowances for a number of years. It was easy, therefore, to discover what they were really entitled to. He would make an inquiry as to what the exact details were in regard to the University superannuation allowances, as he did not like to speak from memory. In regard to the item for Public Offices in Ireland, he believed that it was connected with the re-organization of the Irish Judicial Establishments last year.
§ DR. WEBSTERsaid, the superannuation allowances to the Scotch Professors were granted under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858, which entitled the Professors, after a certain time, to superannuation allowances. They were all granted, after proper investigation, in accordance with the terms of the Act; and all the arrangements were carefully considered on the spot, and approved and provided by the Treasury. No public money could be better applied.
§ Vote agreed to.