HC Deb 07 March 1881 vol 259 cc413-5

Some time ago I gave Notice that I would take an early opportunity of calling the attention of the House to the Afghan policy of Her Majesty's Government. I will now state the terms of my proposed Resolution— That, in the opinion of this House, the withdrawal of the British troops from Southern Afghanistan in the present critical state of affairs in that country will not be conducive to the true and permanent interests of India.


gave Notice that he would, on Thursday, ask the Secretary of State for India, When he expects to receive the Report called for in the following words from his Despatch to His Excellency the Viceroy of India, dated May 8th 1880, three weeks after the assumption of office of Her Majesty's present Ministers:— The desire of Her Majesty's Government is that Afghan territory should be evacuated whenever it appears possible to entertain the hope that a stable Government has been secured. Your Excellency will report as to the manner in which this object may be best attained; if he can state to the House, without detriment to the public service, what has been done during the past ten months for the attainment of this object; and, how it is that no Minutes from His Excellency the Viceroy or any Member of the Supreme Council has been included in the Blue Book recently issued regarding the abandonment or retention of Candahar?


I beg to give Notice that I will, to-morrow, ask the Government whether they can name any day on which it will be convenient to discuss the Motion of which my hon. Friend the Member for Mid Lincolnshire has just given Notice?


gave Notice that when the hon. Member for Mid Lincolnshire brought forward his Motion he would move— That this House, having heard with satisfaction the announcement conveyed in Her Majesty's gracious Speech, that it is not Her Majesty's intention that the occupation of Candahar shall be permanently maintained, and that Her Majesty's Forces will be withdrawn from that position, relies with confidence upon Her Majesty's Ministers for the adoption of suitable measures in regard to time carrying out of this policy.


also gave Notice that he would move, as an Amendment to Mr. Stanhope's Motion— That, in the opinion of this House, the obligation of the British Government to the people of Afghanistan, incurred under the Proclamation of the 21st November, 1878, when war was declared against the late Ameer Shere Ali, should be given effect to, by the return of the British troops within the limits of British India.

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