HC Deb 21 June 1881 vol 262 c983

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether Mr. Henry O'Mahony, Poor Law Guardian, was on the 4th instant rescued from the police in the village of Ballydehob, after being arrested on "reasonable suspicion," upon a warrant ordering him to be lodged in Limerick Gaol; whether Mr. O'Mahony informed the police that he would proceed of his own accord to Limerick Gaol; whether he at once travelled to Limerick unescorted by the police, and delivered himself up to the authorities in Limerick; whether Mr. O'Mahony has not now applied to Sub-Inspector McDonnell for the expenses of his journey from Ballydehob to Limerick; and, whether the Government have any objection to refund him what he might reasonably be supposed to be out of pocket?


, in reply, said, that the facts were correctly stated by the hon. Member. The question of expenses was under consideration. He (Mr. W. E. Forster) considered Mr. O'Mahony's actual travelling expenses might be refunded, and he had given the necessary directions for that purpose.