HC Deb 17 June 1881 vol 262 c770

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he can state the result of his communication with the Irish Government as to the case of Messrs. Mannix, who were arrested at Mitchelstown on a charge of being reasonably suspected of riot and assaulting constables, upon an occasion when the sheriff of the county publicly admitted that Messrs. Mannix had been most energetic in getting the people to keep the peace?


Sir, I have made inquiry on the subject, and am informed that the remarks of the sub-sheriff apply to only one of the persons named in the Question—namely, Mannix junior, and only so far as his own observation went; but that was not borne out by the facts that occurred on the day of the eviction. The extract from the newspapers stated that the sub-sheriff said his statement was borne out by the resident magistrate, Mr. Eaton; but from what I hear from Mr. Eaton that is not so.


asked, whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that Mr. Mannix who had been arrested was over 80 years of age?


Sir, I inquired into the matter, and we were informed originally that he was about 60; but, upon further inquiry, we found that although it is an entire mistake to say his age is 80, there was every reason to believe he was 64 last Thursday. I am informed he himself says he is 66, and, supposing it to be so, persons who have had an opportunity of seeing him, specially during the last four months, describe him as a hale and strong man for his time of life.