HC Deb 09 June 1881 vol 262 c112

complained of the form in which a Question which stood in his name with reference to Father Sheehy had been put on the Paper. Three-fourths of the Question had been omitted, including by far the most important part of it. He had asked, If the attention of Her Majesty's Government had been called to the emphatic testimony of the ecclesiastical superior of the Rev. Father Sheehy as to his culture, patriotism, and conduct, and his continued exertions on behalf of the preservation of the public peace? He had then asked, Whether the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland would communicate to the House any information as to the character and respectability of the persons whose allegations had given the Government grounds which had led to the arrest and imprisonment without trial of Father Sheehy? He would ask leave to put the original Question on the Notice Paper for to-morrow.


The hon. Member is not at liberty to do that, because already the Question which he put on the Notice Paper has been revised in accordance with the Rules of the House, and he cannot put the Question in an irregular form.


said, he would seek counsel of the Speaker on the subject, and hoped that he would not be obliged to call attention to the matter on going into Committee of Supply.