HC Deb 25 July 1881 vol 263 c1748

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If it is true that Ellen Olwill, over eighty years of age, lately evicted by Mr. Galligham, of Dublin, was on the 20th instant sent to Cavan Gaol for a week by the Cavan Magistrates for sleeping in a hut erected by her son on a disused roadside, her inability to pay the alternative fine being due to said Mr. Gallighan having a stay put on the payment of the compensation awarded by the County Court Judge whereby she became dependent on public charity; and, whether he will order her immediate release?


said: It appears, Sir, that this woman, who is about 80 years of age, was sent to Cavan Gaol on the 20th instant for a week, for building and persistently occupying a hut on the side of the public road. The road in question is not a disused road, and the prosecution was at the suit of the County Surveyor. I am informed that it is not the fact that the landlord put a stay upon the payment of the compensation awarded to this woman by the County Court Judge, the fact being that the amount awarded—over £60—lies with the Clerk of the Peace, to whom she has not applied for payment, though well aware that he holds the money for her.