HC Deb 24 February 1881 vol 258 cc1649-50

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether the following statement, under the heading of "Military Intelligence," in the "Times" of the 21st, is correct:— The under-mentioned drafts embarked on Saturday in steamship 'Lapland' for conveyance to Natal: a draft of eighty non-commissioned officers and men of the 2nd Battalion 2lst Fusiliers from the depot at Ayr. The draft for the 21st was composed chiefly of stripling 'sunder twenty years of age; some of these are said to he only six weeks in the Army; and, if this statement is correct, how many men out of the draft of eighty had been only six weeks in the Army, and how many under twenty years of age?


asked the. Secretary of State for War, Whether his attention has been called to the following description in the "Times" of the 21st instant, of the Draft of the 21st Royal Scots Fusiliers, which has just embarked for the Transvaal:— The Draft for the 21st was composed principally of stripling's, apparently under twenty years of age, and some of these were said to have been only six weeks in the Army. Even the Non-Commissioned Officers were youthful. The Depot at Ayr is exhausted by this Draft, and the Regiment is open for two hundred volunteers: and, whether, assuming the above description to be correct, he would not rather send to the Second Battalion in South Africa seasoned soldiers from the First Battalion in India instead of immature lads from the Depot at Ayr?


In reply to my hon. and gallant Friend, and also to the hon. and gallant Member for Ayrshire, who asks me a Question on the same subject, I have to state that of the 80 men who embarked on Saturday last to join the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers in Natal only 23 were under 20 years of age, the average age of the draft being over 22 years. No men had served only six weeks in the Army. Perhaps I may be allowed to read the Report of Colonel Blundell, the Assistant Adjutant General, on this draft— With reference to the conversation I had with you yesterday, I have the honour to repeat that the drafts which embarked on board the Lapland did so in excellent order. I was especially struck with the steadiness and regularity of all the drafts, that of the 2nd Battalion 21st among the rest, about which I had the honour to remark that I was satisfied it would be a credit to any corps, and would do well. I did not notice anything special to remark about the physique or age of this draft. I see no occasion for sending a draft to the 2nd Battalion from the 1st Battalion in India.