HC Deb 21 February 1881 vol 258 c1383

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Upon what ground police protection has been granted to Mr. Burton, a justice of the peace for the county Clare; whether he will cause an inquiry to be made in reference to such police protection; and, whether he will report to this House the result of such inquiry?


I do not think I can be expected to give the grounds upon which protection has been in each case given. The House will see that it is not desirable I should do so. With respect to the case to which the Question refers, protection was granted in consequence of our having before us reports from the resident magistrate and the local constabulary, which showed that at the time it was given it appeared to be necessary. For some days past the Government, the magistrates, and the police have been inquiring into these matters, and we are now endeavouring to ascertain how far this protection is still required.