§ MR. GOURLEYasked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether Her Majesy's Government are now in a position to make a complete statement concerning the cost of the Zulu War, together with the proportion which the Governments of the South African Colonies 1079 have expressed their willingness to bear?
MR. GLADSTONESir, I am afraid I should be going beyond the limits of an answer were I to make a full statement of the financial liabilities incurred by this country in connection with South Africa. But, so far as the Zulu War is concerned, what I have to say is, that the estimate that was made last year by my right hon. Friend—rather, it was a statement, it was hardly an estimate— but it was a full estimate of the actual expense, which is likely to fall somewhat short of £5,000,000. Against this there is the sum of £250,000 expected to be paid by the Colony of Natal; but they will have to raise money by way of loan, which they have in contemplation. The other particulars of the financial state of South Africa had better be reserved until the time comes for making the Financial Statement.