§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, If, since the Transvaal has been several years in British possession, Hoi-Majesty's Government are in possession of any general reports showing the distribution of the population, how far the facts support or otherwise the accusations against the Boers of maintaining slavery in the country occupied by them, where and under what rule the mass of 1083 the Natives live, how far land in or out of possession of the Dutch was taken up by land jobbers in anticipation of annexation, how the money advanced by Parliament was spent, and what has been done by the British Government of the Transvaal to regulate the treatment and rights of the Natives, to sift claims to land and throw it open to Colonists, black and white; and, whether, if there are such reports, they will be produced? He wished also to know, communications with Sir George Colley having been cut off, who would be Her Majesty's political Representative ill South Eastern Africa?
MR. GRANT DUFFSir, it would obviousley be impossible to reply fully to my hon. Friend's series of Questions; but I may say, first, that a good many Papers relating to the Transvaal have, as my hon. Friend is aware, been already presented; and, secondly, that we shall examine those which have not been presented, with a view to seeing what we have got that may be of interest to my hon. Friend and give him all we can. I really cannot answer the last Question; circumstances may change from hour to hour.