HC Deb 15 February 1881 vol 258 c1729

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether he will cause an inquiry to be made in respect to the refusal of the Military authorities at Clare Castle, county Clare, to send a fire engine and aid to a neighbouring farm, rented by a Mr. D. O'Brien, on the recent occasion of a fire on the premises, by which ninety tons of hay were destroyed; and, whether Sergeant Keogh refused to send the engine and aid when requested, though some fifty men of the 9th Regiment were in quarters at the time, and ready to perform such service?


Sir, in reply to the hon. Member, I will read to the House the telegram which I received this morning on the subject of his Question, from the officer commanding the troops at Clare Castle— Fire not reported until nearly burnt out. Blowing a gale. No supply of water to be got at the farm for the engine.