CAPTAIN MAXWELL-HERONasked the Secretary of State for War, Whether he will lay upon the Table of the House any Copies of Correspondence that may have passed between Sir Garnet Wolseley and the War Office, at the close of the Zulu war, with reference to the number and description of troops that it was thought advisable to leave in the Transvaal, in order to ensure the maintenance of law and order there, taking into consideration the dissatisfaction of the Dutch Boers with the policy of annexation car- 891 ried out by the Government then in office?
§ MR. CHILDERSNo, Sir; it is not usual for the Secretary of State for "War to lay on the Table Correspondence with Commanders-in-Chief abroad, as to the prospective strength of their commands. I may, however, in order to avoid misapprehension on the subject, say that the force in the Transvaal and Natal, when the recent insurrection broke out, was precisely of the strength recommended by Sir Garnet Wolseley at the close of the Zulu War.