HC Deb 10 February 1881 vol 258 c497

asked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, Whether it is essential to the due administration of the Law that the assizes for the Con-naught circuit should always commence with the county of Leitrim; whether he is aware that the grand jury of that county have repeatedly, by resolution and otherwise, represented to the going judges of assize the great inconvenience caused to all county officials, grand jurors, constabulary, road contractors, and others, by the fiscal business having to be commenced on Friday, in order that it should be completed before the opening of the commission on Monday; and that the said grand jury have ineffectually requested that an arrangement should be made by which the assizes should commence in their county alternately with other counties on the circuit; whether some of the judges have proposed an alternate arrangement, which has been opposed by members of the circuit bar; and, whether he will endeavour to make such alter aterations in the present mode of procedure as will meet the convenience of those interested?


Sir, it is not essential to the due administration of the law that the Assizes for the Con-naught Circuit should always commence with the county of Leitrim; but it has, I believe been found convenient for the public that the Assizes for the several counties constituting each Circuit should be held in some fixed order. As to the next two Questions, I beg to say that beyond what is implied by those Questions themselves, I have no knowledge or information on the subjects thereby referred to. As to the last Question, I have only to say that I have no control or power of inter for foring in the matter.