HC Deb 07 February 1881 vol 258 c262

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether, in view of the rapid spread of foot and mouth disease, he will consider the advisability of the total prohibition of the entry of all live stock into Scotland from England until the 1st May proximo; and, if not, whether he will advise further precautions than now are taken to guard against the extension of the disease to Scotland?


A similar Question was asked on this subject a fortnight ago. Since then, finding the disease was extending northwards and had reached Durham, an Order has been passed which came into force on the 28th of January, by which any local authority in Scotland can prohibit the entry into their district of animals from any part of Great Britain. We received on Saturday last an official communication from the Town Clerk of Glasgow to the effect that the local authorities for that city have prohibited the entry of any animal from England or Wales between February 3 and April 1.