HC Deb 25 August 1881 vol 265 c874

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the Government has received information that a Mr. Lloyd Apjohn, landlord in the district of Pallas Green, county Limerick, who recently evicted several of his tenants, and sold by auction the interest of several other of his tenants in their farms, is now engaging himself in midnight raids on the cattle of the latter tenants, seizing and carrying off their cattle and selling them by public auction; whether Mr. Lloyd Apjohn, in making such seizures and conducting such sales, does not illegally usurp the functions of the sheriff of the county of Limerick, and also render himself liable' to a prosecution for an offence against the Laws of Inland Revenue; whether Mr. Lloyd Apjohn, when acting a few days since as sheriff and auctioneer, at a public sale of cattle seized by him, insulted a clergyman and used language provocative of a breach of the peace; whether he is in the habit of brandishing firearms in public, threatening to shoot people, and making use of such exclamations as "To Hell with the Pope;" whether the Government will deal with the conduct of this person in acting as sheriff and auctioneer; and, whether they will still leave at his disposal the body of police?


Sir, immediately the Question appeared on the Paper inquiry was made; but up to this morning no information has reached the Irish Office. Therefore, it would be idle for me to offer any opinion upon the circumstances alleged as facts.