CAPTAIN AYLMERasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether it is true, as reported, that H.M.S. "Inflexible" draws some three feet more water than was calculated in her design; and, if not, if he will state the exact difference between the contemplated and real draught of said ship?
§ MR. TREVELYANSir, the Inflexible, equipped and stored, with bunkers full, and with the rig which would not be used in time of war, when only the two lower masts will be retained, will have a mean draught of 25 feet 6 inches. Since the Inflexible was designed first her guns have been changed from 60 to 80 tons, her torpedo equipment and torpedo boats have been added, and her complement of men has been raised by 100. Allowance was made for all these changes in the amended estimate from time to time, and the Inflexible draws within an inch and a-half of what she was expected to draw by the Constructive Department.