HC Deb 29 April 1881 vol 260 c1414

asked the Vice President of the Council, Whether there is any probability that the scheme drawn up by the Charity Commissioners for the administration of the Foundation known as Hulme's Charity will, either in its present or in an amended form, be carried into effect within a reasonable period of time; and, whether he can state to the House the reasons for the delay that has taken place in carrying out recommendations that were made nearly two years ago?


The scheme for the Hulme Charity received immediate attention on our accession to Office. It is one of great importance and of considerable difficulty. It has been the subject of nine deputations and of lengthened negotiations, and it has now been remitted to the Charity Commissioners in order that certain alterations may be made in its provisions. It is impossible, at present, to say at what time the scheme will become law; that depends upon proceedings over which the Education Department can exercise no control; but should the amendments we have suggested be accepted by the parties interested there is no reason why the scheme should not take effect this Session.