HC Deb 25 April 1881 vol 260 cc1181-2

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House at its rising do adjourn till To-morrow at Eight o'clock p.m."—(Lord Richard Grosvenor.)

Several hon. MEMBERS: Until 9 o'clock.


said, he understood that the Notice given at an early period of the evening was that the adjournment should be until 8 o'clock; but he believed it was the feeling of the House that 9 o'clock would be a far more convenient hour. From a communication he had had with the Prime Minister, it seemed there was no objection on the part of the Government to an adjournment until 9 o'clock; and he therefore trusted that the noble Lord would assent to that course.


said, his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister had been quite prepared to assent to this proposal. The only object in fixing 8 o'clock was to give as much time as possible to private Members to-morrow. If it was understood that it would be to the convenience of the House to adjourn until 9 o'clock, he would not offer opposition to the proposal.

Question, as amended, put, and agreed to.

Resolved, That this House at its rising do adjourn till this day at Nine o'clock p.m.

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