HC Deb 04 April 1881 vol 260 cc554-5

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he can inform the House how many of the 176,602 Suez Canal shares pur- chased by the British Goverment have been drawn for redemption at par; and, whether the actions de jouissance given in exchange for the shares so drawn are deposited in this Country, or are held in trust for the British Government, and by whom the dividends on those actions do jouissance are received?


Eight hundred and sixteen of the 176,602 Suez Canal shares purchased by Her Majesty's Government have been drawn and paid off at par. The amount of the redemption money has been applied in the purchase of £16,971 19s. 10d. Three per Cent Consols. The Stock thus purchased from time to time is held by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt in trust for the Suez Canal Company until 1904, when it will become the complete property of Her Majesty's Government. Meanwhile, the dividends on the Stock are paid to the Suez Canal Company. Upon the occasion of each drawing Her Majesty's Government receive from the Company a certificate entitling them to receive in 1904 a number of actions de jouissance corresponding with the number of drawn shares. Until 1904 the amount representing the dividends on those actions de jouissance is received by the Suez Canal Company.