HC Deb 01 April 1881 vol 260 c471

begged to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies a Question, of which he had given him Private Notice—namely, Whether his attention has been called to certain telegrams which have appeared in the morning papers to the effect that "The Boers around Pretoria, having been reinforced by the beseigers of Potchefstroom with the two guns captured at that place, have repulsed a sortie of the British garrison, pursuing them into the fort and inflicting upon them considerable loss?" He wished to ask whether the Government have received any information corroborating that statement; and, if so, whether they will state what instructions have been sent to Sir Evelyn Wood on the subject? If no such information has been received, he would like to know whether the Government will telegraph as to the accuracy of the statement?


Sir, no such information has reached Her Majesty's Government; but I understood from my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War, that he has to-day received a telegram from Sir Evelyn Wood, who makes no reference to the circumstance reported in the newspapers. Therefore, we assume that he has received no information of the kind; for he surely might be expected to mention such an event, if it was known to him. I presume there will be no difficulty in telegraphing to him to inquire into the matter.