HC Deb 24 May 1880 vol 252 c320

asked Mr. Attorney General, If the Government propose to introduce this Session any measure for the amendment of the Law of Bankruptcy?


, in reply, said, that the Government were most anxious to facilitate measures to improve the Law of Bankruptcy, but that they had not had sufficient time to prepare and bring in a Bill which they thought would satisfactorily deal with that important subject. But he understood that his hon. Friend the Member for Kendal (Mr. Whitwell) had prepared and was about to introduce a Bankruptcy Bill, and that another hon. Member intended to submit to the House a Bill very similar to that of the late Government. If it were thought right to refer those Bills to a Select Committee, the Government would do all they could to facilitate its labours; but how far legislation could be effected in the present Session must depend upon the nature and the time of the Committee's Report—also upon the state of Public Business.