HC Deb 15 March 1880 vol 251 c1008

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, What steps have been taken to carry into effect the provisions of the Lord Clerk Register (Scotland) Act of last Session, giving the Treasury power to appoint all officers required in the Register House, and, with the consent of the Secretary of State— To regulate any of the said offices, and to change the designation thereof and the duties of officers employed therein, and the terms on which appointments shall be made thereto; and with power to the Treasury, to grant superannuations to such officers, and also to officers appointed under the former Acts?


in reply, said, there was at the present moment, and there had been for some time past, a scheme under consideration which involved the adjustment of the staff of the various Departments and the increase of salaries. He regretted that the revision of the scheme had been very much delayed from various causes, including among them that one referred to by his right hon. and learned Friend the Lord Advocate in the answer he gave the other night—a cause they all deeply regretted.


asked when it was expected the scheme would come into operation?


could not say, but had mentioned that the matter had been very much delayed by the illness of the gentleman he had referred to, whose duties were very much connected with this Office. Of course, that was a matter entirely out of the control of the Government.