HC Deb 11 March 1880 vol 251 c802

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, with reference to his reply to the late Member for Elginshire in the year 1878, Whether Her Majesty's Government has now been able to come to any conclusions as to the Recommendations made in the Supplementary Report of the Scottish Fisheries Commission regarding the improvement of Harbours upon the East Coast; whether they are able to agree with the Recommendations of the Commission or with any of them, and, if so, with which; and, further, whether they see their way to encouraging local effort for harbour improvement in any way not suggested by the Commission; and, if so, how?


Sir, the Scotch Fisheries Commissioners recommended—1, That the conditions on which the existing grant for the improvement of harbours on the East Coast was given should be made more stringent. 2. That Government should confine its action to granting loans to the local authorities through the Public Works Loan Commissioners. They recommended increased stringency in raising the local contributions from one-third to two-thirds of the cost; and that dues should be charged and applied for the improvement of the harbour. I myself agree in the recommendations that the loans should be through the Public Works Loan Commissioners, and that dues should be levied. And I think that evidence of the co-operation of the locality should be shown by a fair local contribution. When such effort is shown I shall be prepared to recommend the loan in aid should be granted.