HC Deb 11 March 1880 vol 251 c797

asked the Comptroller General of the Ordnance, Whether it is the case that, in the recent destructive trial of the "Thunderer" gun, crusher gauges incapable of registering pressures below thirty-six tons to the square inch were used, in consequence of which the actual pressure which burst the gun has not been ascertained; and, if so, why that course was adopted?


Yes, Sir; it is perfectly true that crusher gauges were set to mark a pressure of not less than 36 tons. There is every reason to believe from the careful examination of one of the crusher gauges after the explosion, which, although broken, registered a pressure of 40 tons, that the point of greatest pressure exceeded 36 tons. It is doubtful whether, in any circumstances, the actual pressure which burst the gun could have been accurately ascertained.