HC Deb 10 March 1880 vol 251 cc741-2

stated that the object of the Resolution he was about to move?was to enable Private Bills to be taken up in the next Parliament in the stage in which the present would leave them. There might, for instance, be a large and important Bill before a Select Committee which must require consideration for six or seven days, and would not have been disposed of before the Prorogation. If some Resolution of this kind were not passed, all the work, in the instance he had mentioned, would, if undertaken now by a Committee, have to be gone through again. Under these circumstances, he thought it would be a matter of convenience to ask the House to adopt this Resolution, and the Private Bill Committees could then exercise their own discretion as to what Bills they thought they would be able to get through, and what work it would be impossible to complete. They could then report accordingly to the House.

Motion made, and Question, That in case the Committee on any Private Bill, or Group of such Bills, shall report their opinion to the House, that any Bill or Bills not yet considered by them should not be entered upon, or that the consideration of any Bill already partly considered should not be proceeded with, all further proceedings upon such Bills shall be suspended during the present Session."—(The Chairman of Ways and Means,) put, and agreed to.