HC Deb 09 March 1880 vol 251 c694

Sir, I will venture to appeal to the hon. Member for Glasgow (Dr. Cameron), who has in charge a Bill on the subject of vaccination, which stands first on the Orders of the Day for to-morrow, and which raises points of some complexity and difficulty. I would ask him, whether he thinks it expedient to proceed with the measure under existing circumstances? I can assure the hon. Gentleman that the question of the advantages and disadvantages attendant on the use of animal lymph, which have been long engaging the attention of the Local Government Board, are receiving fresh illustration by experiments now going on.


I think it is perfectly evident that my Bill has no chance of becoming law this Session; and under the circumstances, I am afraid neither the House nor the country would care very much for any discussion which would take place, and which would lose much of its practical character, especially as I understand the Local Government Board is willing to test the proposals I have made. I will not inconvenience the House by going on with it.