HC Deb 24 June 1880 vol 253 c727

moved the issue of a new Writ for the borough of Wallingford, for the election of a Member in lieu of Mr. Walter Wren, whose election had been declared to be void.


said, he did not intend to persevere in his Notice of opposition, because he thought that since it was determined that the Writ should be issued an opposition on his part could not be successful; but he felt that this was one of those boroughs the population of which was so small that it did not afford a sufficient basis for representation in the House. His conscience rebelled against their being in such a hurry to issue the Writ, when the Judges had found that 12 persons had been guilty of bribery and corruption; and if the Judges did not report on this and other cases that corrupt practices had extensively prevailed, it must be borne in mind that they confined themselves to the evidence brought before them by the parties, and did not embark upon inquiries of an inquisitorial character.

Motion agreed to.

NEW WRIT FOR BUTESHIRE, — in the room of Thomas Russell, esquire, who, having held a Contract entered into for the Public Service at the time of his Election for the said Shire, was incapable of being elected for the same.