HC Deb 24 June 1880 vol 253 c713

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the following circumstances:—On June 8th Solomon Nathan, a ticket of leave man, was convicted at the Surrey Sessions of stealing thirteen shillings and sevenpence from the person of Henry Moore, of Woodside, and that thereupon the convict was sentenced to twenty years' penal servitude, with the addition of the unexpired two years on his ticket of leave, by Mr. Hardman, the chairman of the quarter sessions; and, if not, whether he will inquire into all the circumstances of the case?


in reply, said, he had addressed an inquiry to the Chairman of the Surrey Sessions (Mr. Hardman), and his reply was to the effect that the convict had been previously convicted for felony in 1856, and sentenced to two months' imprisonment; 1858, three months; 1859, 12 months; 1860, six months; 1861, one month; 1863, six years' penal servitude; and 1871, 10 years' penal servitude and seven years' police supervision. The convict was well known as a thief, and was never known to earn his living honestly.