HC Deb 22 June 1880 vol 253 c541

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, What progress is being made with the business of the Eastern Roumelian Commission now assembled at Constatinople?


Her Majesty's Commissioner arrived in Constantinople on the 22nd ultimo, but his Turkish Colleagues had not then been appointed, and no steps appear to have been taken to bring the Commission together until the 30th, when the names of the Turkish Commissioners were first announced. Said Pasha promised at the same time that translations of the proposed new Vilayet Law should be distributed immediately; but, notwithstanding repeated assurances to this effect, they are still withheld, and the Commission is consequently unable to proceed to business. The first formal meeting was held on the 7th instant, and a second meeting was to have taken place yesterday; but, according to the latest information received by Her Majesty's Government, it was adjourned by the Turkish Commissioner sine die. The other members of the Commission have expressed very strongly their dissatisfaction at these continued delays, and have insisted on an early meeting and a distribution of the official translation of the law.