HC Deb 05 July 1880 vol 253 c1622

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether it is a fact that Mr. James C. Young, a British subject, was, in June 1878, sentenced to four months imprisonment or £20 fine by the Courts of Fernando Po, and that the fine was paid and its payment accepted, but that Young is still detained a prisoner in the island on the ground that his sentence requires ratification by the Superior Courts at Havannah; whether the climate of Fernando Po is not considered to be one of the most deadly to Europeans in the world; whether Her Majesty's Government have taken any steps to rescue Mr. Young from an indefinitely protracted imprisonment; and, whether he will lay upon the Table of the House the correspondence relating to Mr. Young's case?


The facts of the case, as stated by the hon. Member, are, I regret to say, correct. Urgent remonstrances on the subject have been repeatedly addressed to the Spanish Government through Her Majesty's Minister at Madrid, special stress being laid on the danger to Mr. Young's life involved in his continued detention at Fernando Po. The latest intelligence received was to the effect that the case was to come before the Supreme Court at Havannah on the 12th ultimo. There will be no objection to laying the Correspondence on the Table of the House?