HC Deb 02 July 1880 vol 253 c1386

Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868.

To The Eight Honble.

The Speaker of the House of Commons.

We, the Honble. George Denman, and Sir Henry Lopes, kt., Judges for the trial of Election Petitions in England, do hereby certify that upon the 30th day of June 1880, and the following day, We held a Court at York for the trial of, and did try, the Election Petition for the Borough of Thirsk, between Samuel Bradley Willcock, Robert Skilbeck, Thomas Humphrey, and David Meek, Petitioners; and the Honble. Lewis Payn Dawnay, Respondent.

And we certify that the said Respondent was duly elected and returned.

And whereas charges were made at the said Election of corrupt practices having been committed at the said Election, we, in further pursuance of the said Act, report in writing to you as follows:—

  1. 1. That no corrupt practice was proved to have been committed by or with the knowledge or consent of any Candidate at the said Election.
  2. 2. That we have reason to believe that corrupt practices extensively prevailed at the said Election.




July 1st 1880.

And the said Certificate and Report were ordered to be entered in the Journals of this House.

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