HC Deb 01 July 1880 vol 253 c1254

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether it is true that the Plenipotentaries now assembled in Conference have arrived at a unanimous agreement with reference to a line for the rectification of the Turko-Greek frontier?


asked, Whether the Papers relating to the Berlin Conference can now be laid before Parliament?


asked, Whether, as the Conference now sitting at Berlin has agreed, with reference to the Greco-Turkish frontier question in connection with the Treaty of Berlin, as to the boundary line which should be adopted by both Countries, the hon. Gentleman can state whether all the Powers are prepared to use their united influence on both Governments to bring to a successful issue their decision?


In answer to the hon. Member for Salford and the hon. Member for the City of London, I have to state that the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers in Conference at Berlin have arrived at a unanimous conclusion with regard to the line of Frontier between Greece and Turkey for submission to their respective Governments. But no final decision has yet been come to by the Powers as to the steps to be taken in order to bring the conclusions of the Conference to the notice of the Turkish and Greek Governments. With regard to the Question of the right hon. Member for King's Lynn, I fear that it would be quite impossible to lay the Correspondence before the House at the present stage of the proceedings. Negotiations are still going on with regard to some subsidiary questions, and we have not yet received the full and final Reports of the Conference.

In reply to Lord JOHN MANNERS,


said, he would see whether the Austrian Staff Map, showing the boundaries, could not be laid on the Table of the Library.