§ SIR HENRY JAMESasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether the attention of the Government has been called to the unnecessary attendance of Her Majesty's Judges in several counties during the recent Assizes; and whether it is in contemplation to take any steps, by centralization or otherwise, to prevent the continuance of the serious loss to the public service which is caused by the absence of the Judges from Westminster?
MR. ASSHETON CROSS,in reply, said, he was quite aware that a good deal of valuable time was lost under the 810 present system, and that he had watched the course of the Assizes to see whether some better arrangement could not be made. He must, however, express a hope that no attempt would be made to alter the present system so far as the trying of prisoners four times a-year was concerned. Something might be effected in the way of meeting the difficulty to which the Question of the hon. and learned Gentleman related by means of grouping, and longer notice as to the number of trials might be given, in order that when the Judges went on Circuit they might be able to apportion the time which it would be necessary to spend in each town which they had to visit better than it was possible for them to do as matters now stood. He would only add that the subject was under consideration.