§ MR. DILLWYNasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If he can state whether Hafiz Pasha, who is now the head of the Turkish police, is the same person referred to by name in Lord Derby's Despatch of the 21st of September 1876, and identical with the person mentioned in Mr. Baring's Report as being in command of troops who pillaged the town of Otlakeui, in Bulgaria, in the same year, when churches, schools, market places, and all the best houses were burnt, and the whole town plundered from one end to the other, on which occasion many women and children were killed and horrors perpetrated, over which Mr. Baring reported that he preferred to draw a veil; and, whether it is true that this person has lately been decorated by the Sultan with the order of the Medjidie of the First Class.
§ MR. BOURKEI am sorry to say I have not seen the Report alluded to in the latter part of the Question. There can be no doubt whatever as to the indentity of the person, and I do not suppose that there can be any doubt as to the facts mentioned in the Question of the hon. Member.
§ Afterwards,
§ MR. RYLANDSsaid, with regard to the answer which the hon. Gentleman the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs had given to his hon. Friend (Sir Charles W. Dilke), he should be glad to know, Whether Her Majesty's Ambassador had been instructed to deliver any serious protest to the Porte regarding the onerous appointment given to a man who had been guilty of such great crimes?
§ MR. BOURKE,in reply, said, he would be very happy to answer the 681 Question, if the hon. Member gave him the usual Notice.