HC Deb 09 February 1880 vol 250 c373

Ordered,That a Select Committee be appointed, Six Members to be nominated by the House and Five by the Committee of Selection, to consider every Report made by the Inclosure Commissioners certifying the expediency of any Provisional Order for the inclosure or regulation of a Common, and presented to the House during the present Session, before a Bill be brought in for the confirmation of such Order:—That it be an Instruction to the Committee, That they have power in respect to each such Provisional Order to inquire and report to the House whether the same should he confirmed by Parliament, and, if so, whether with or without modification; and in the event of their being of opinion that the same should not be confirmed, except [subject to modifications, to report such modifications accordingly with a view to such Provisional Order being remitted to the Inclosure Commissioners.—[Sir Matthew Ridley.)

And, on February 20, Committeenominatedas follows:—Mr. SPENCER WALPOLE, Mr. LEVESON GOWER, Sir WALTER BARTTELOT, Mr. FAWCETT, Mr. PELL, Sir CHARLES DILKE, and Five Members to be added by the Committee of Selection:—Power to send for persons, papers, and records; Five to be the quorum.