§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Standing Orders,nominated;Selection,nominated.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolutions in Committee—Ordered—First Reading—Colonial Chartered Banking Companies*[4]; Partnerships*[26]; Merchant Shipping (Grain Cargoes)*[27]; Spirits in Bond*[42]; Excisable Liquors Traffic (Scotland)*[49]; Companies Acts Amendment*[52].
§ Ordered—First Reading—Belief of Distress (Ireland) [1]; Criminal Code [2]; Bankruptcy Law Amendment [3]; Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement (Scotland) Act (1875) Amendment*[5]; County Courts*[6]; Lunacy Law Amendment*[7]; Ulster Tenant Right*[8]; Vaccination*[9]; Medical Act (1858) Amendment*[10]; Law of Ejectment Suspension (Ireland)*[11]; Sligo Borough (Ireland)*[12]; Intestates Real Estate*[13]; Local Government Areas (Commission)*[14]; Rating of Towns (Ireland)*[15]; Public Health (Ireland) Act (1878) Amendment*[16]; Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) (Warnings to remove)*[17]; Married Women's Property Acts 1870 and 1874 Amendment*[18]; Political Prisoners*[19]; Poor Law Guardians (Election by Ballot) (Ireland)*[20]; Poor Law Guardians (Ireland)*[21]; Employers' Liability for Injuries to Servants*[22]; Marriage Laws Amendment*[23]; Waste Lands (Ireland)*[24]; Volunteer Corps (Ireland)*[25]; Municipal Franchise (Ireland)*[28]; Employers and Workmen Act (1875) (Extension to Seamen)*[29]; Leases*; [30]; Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act (1870) Amendment*[31]; Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Wales)*[32]; Local Inquiries (Ireland)*[33]; Hypothec Abolition (Scotland)*[34]; Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act (1871) Amendment*[35]; Sea Fisheries (Ireland)*[36]; Medical Act (1858) Amendment (No. 2)*[37]; Tithe Commutation*[38]; Hours of Polling (Boroughs)*[39]; Entail and Settlement*[40]; Blind and Deaf-Mute Children*[41]; Municipal Corporations (Property Qualification Abolition)*[43]; Married Women's Property (Scotland)*[44]; Landed Proprietors (Ireland)*[45]; Bankruptcy Act (1869) Amendment*[46]; Criminal Code (No. 2)*[47]; Seed Potatoes (Ireland)*[48]; Judicial Factors (Scotland)*[50]; Ancient Monuments*[51]; Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday*[53]; Registration of Voters (Ireland)*[54]; County Infirmaries (Ireland)*[55]; Births and Deaths Registration (Ireland)*[56]; Employers' Liability (Railway Servants)*[57]; Perpetuity Leases (Ireland)*[58].