§ SIR JOHN HAYasked the Secretary of State for India, If an Allied Naval Demonstration is to take place in the Adriatic; and, if so, if he will state the names of the Powers whose forces will be assembled for that purpose, the number of ships to be employed, the arrangements as to the command in chief, and the objects of the proposed demonstration?
THE MARQUESS OF HARTINGTONMy noble Friend the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated yesterday in "another place" what has occurred in reference to the Montenegrin Frontier. In consequence of the failure of the Porte to carry into effect the agreement arrived at in April last, a Collective Note was presented by the Great Powers to the Porte, insisting either on the execution of that arrangement, or on the cession of the town and district of Dulcigno to the Prince of Montenegro. To that Collective Note two replies have been returned by the Porte, the one verbal, the other in writing. It is a question of some doubt whether the effect of those two replies is identical; and the joint answer of the Great Powers to it is now under consideration. The Powers have, however, decided to send a certain number of vessels to the port of Ragusa, which has been placed by the Austrian Government at their disposal, as being conveniently situated, and near to the sea coast which is proposed to be surrendered to Montenegro. In accordance with that decision, the Admiral of the Fleet has been ordered to proceed with the flag-ship and one other ironclad and a despatch boat to Ragusa; and similar orders have been given by the other five Great Powers to the officers commanding their Fleets. 821 As to the details of the arrangements, or the instructions which it is proposed to give to the Admiral, it is, as the House will see, in present circumstances, impossible for me to enter into any detailed explanation. My noble Friend added that Papers on the subject would be laid on the Table before the end of the Session.
§ SIR WILFRID LAWSONWould the noble Lord state what is the object of the proposed demonstration?
THE MARQUESS OF HARTINGTONI think I could scarcely answer that Question without going into further details on the proposed action than I think it would be desirable to do.