HC Deb 26 May 1879 vol 246 c1325

Resolution [May 23] reported.


said, that the House was very much taken by surprise in having this matter brought on at that period, as no notice whatever of the proposal to take it had been given. The Bill was not in the Paper that morning—no one knew what it meant. He had not the slightest idea that the House was to be committed to a loan of these £2.000,000, which he understood it was the proposal of this Bill to lend to India.


said, that the loan which they had heard mentioned was a loan of £2,000,000 by this country to India. He understood that it was the desire of the House to have the discussion upon this Bill taken in connection with the general question of Indian finance. There would be an opportunity at a later stage of the Bill of making any explanation with regard to it, and he hoped that the House would now consent to take the Report of the Committee upon it.

Resolution agreed to.

Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. RAIKES, Mr. EDWARD STANHOPE, and Mr. CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER.

Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 197.]