§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Hall-Marking (Gold and Silver) [No. 191].
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—CIVIL SERVICE ESTIMATES, Class III., Votes 1 to 15.
§ PETVATE BILL (by Order)—Second Reading—Teign Valley Railway Extension*.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—First Reading—Terms of Removal (Scotland)* [189]; Costs Taxation (House of Commons)* [190].
§ First Reading—County Courts* [191]; Railways and Telegraphs in India* [192].
§ Second Reading—Customs and Inland Revenue [150]; Great Seal [180]; Indian Marine [182], debate adjourned; Metropolis (Little Coram Street, Bloomsbury, Wells Street, Poplar, and Great Peter Street, Westminster,) Improvement Provisional Orders Confirmation* [175]; Local Government Provisional Order (Cartworth)* [158]; Local Government Provisional Orders (Castleton by Rochdale, &c.)* [160]; Consolidated Fund (No. 3)*.
§ Committee—Report—Public Health (Scotland) Provisional Order (Bothwell)* [152]; Valuation of Lands and Assessments (Scotland) [144].
§ Considered as amended—Parliamentary Burghs (Scotland)* [97]; Dispensaries (Ireland)* [66]; Hares (Ireland)* [165].