HC Deb 16 May 1879 vol 246 c569

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he will introduce the Bill for continuing the Railway Commission before Whitsuntide, in order that Chambers of Commerce and other bodies interested may have ample time to consider amendments of the existing Act?


Sir, as I think I mentioned to the House before, I have prepared a Bill dealing not only with the prolongation of the powers of the Railway Commission—a matter to which both the Government and the community generally attach much importance—but also with other subjects of considerable interest connected with it. But until much greater progress has been made with various Bills of no ordinary length and importance—such as the Army Discipline and Regulation and the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bills, upon which the House is already engaged—I feel that I should not be advancing the object we all have in view, and that it would be only wasting the time of Parliament, and of no advantage to the subject in question, if I invited the House to consider a general measure in connection with the Railway Commission,