HC Deb 12 May 1879 vol 246 cc215-6

Amendment of Procedure.

Clauses 31 to 38, inclusive, agreed to, and added to the Bill.

On the Motion of Mr. ASSHETON CROSS, Clause 39 (Pleadings and forfeitures) verbally amended, and added to the Bill.

Clauses 40 to 42, inclusive, agreed to, and added to the Bill.

Clause 43 (Procedure on the execution of distress warrants).

SIR HENRY JAMES moved, as an Amendment, in page 25, line 31, to leave out the word "warrant," and insert the words "making of the distress."

Amendment agreed to; words substituted accordingly.

MR. GREGORY moved, as an Amendment, in page 26, line 5, after the word "distress," to insert the word "wilfully."

Amendment agreed to; word inserted accordingly.

Clause, as amended, agreed to, and added to the Bill.

Clauses 44 to 46, inclusive, agreed to, and added to the Bill.

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