HC Deb 12 May 1879 vol 246 cc134-5

said, he wished to put a Question to the Chancellor of the Exchequer with reference to the Business of the House. Wednesday, the 28th instant, was the Derby Day, and the following Sunday would be Whit Sunday. The time at which the House would adjourn for the Whitsuntide Recess was, therefore, matter of importance to those hon. Members who had Notices on the Paper for the eve of the Derby Day. He himself happened to have the first Notice on the Paper for Tuesday, the 27th. It was an important Motion relating to the agriculture and manufactures of the country, and he thought many hon. Gentlemen besides himself would be anxious to know whether the Government would permit his Motion to be discussed; and, if so, whether it would be at the ordinary hour, or at any other time?


I have considered, in conjunction with my Colleagues, which would be the most convenient day for the House to rise for the Whitsuntide Holi- days, and we are of opinion that, as there was but a short Holiday at Easter, it would, perhaps, be convenient to the House to adjourn from Tuesday, the 27th instant, to the Monday week following. The House would not, of course, rise on the Tuesday until after the conclusion of the last Business for which it met. I intend to propose that we should take a Morning Sitting on that day. That would not involve the necessity for the House rising at the end of the Morning Sitting. The House may sit again in the evening at 9 o'clock, and as the question which the hon. Member intends to raise has attracted a good deal of interest, I think it would then have a fair chance of being discussed.


said, that, after the intimation which had just been made, it was not his intention of bringing on his Motion on Tuesday evening, the 27th instant; but he might bring it forward in opposition to the proposal for a Morning Sitting, or in some other way.