HC Deb 08 May 1879 vol 245 c1961

asked the Secretary of State for War, in reference to the following statement made by H.R.H. the Field Marshal Commanding in Chief on Saturday the 3rd inst. (reported in the "Times" of the 5th), Such was the admirable discipline and devotion evinced by the young soldiers commanded by officers of the Guards that the result was … that every man was landed and even the horses were swum ashore without a single accident of any description; if he will state the number of officers of the draft; how many were officers of the Line; and, whether it is not a fact that the two officers next in seniority to the Colonel were officers of the Line?


Mr. Speaker, I am informed that His Royal Highness's remarks were incorrectly reported. What His Royal Highness did say was that— There were among the officers on board some belonging to the Guards, and that great praise was due to the commanding officer, who was a Guards officer. Private letters bear that out; and I do not think it occurs to anyone to draw a contrast between the officers of the Guards and the Line.