HC Deb 01 May 1879 vol 245 cc1502-3

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether it is convenient for him to state when it is intended the House should go into Committee on Ways and Means?


I stated the other night to my right hon. Friend the Member for Greenwich—whom I do not see present just at this moment—who wished to have an opportunity of making some remarks of a personal character upon the Motion for going into Committee on Ways and Means, that I thought Monday next would be the most convenient day. I therefore propose to take it on Monday. I wish to take this opportunity of making a short personal explanation to the House with regard to a matter which I understand took place yesterday, and which caused me a good deal of regret. I was unable to be in my place yesterday at the time of the meeting of the House, because I was at a Cabinet Council. If I had been aware that the right hon. Baronet the Member for Tamworth (Sir Robert Peel) was going to address a Question to me, I should have, of course, communicated with him and told him I could not be here. But, unfortunately, I was not in the House. At all events, I did not hear the Notice which he gave on the evening before; and, owing to accidental circumstances, with which I need not trouble the House, I did not see it, and my attention was not called to the Question yesterday morning by any of my Colleagues. I have explained the matter to the right hon. Baronet; but I thought it was due to the House to state that it was from no want of respect to it or him that I was not here.


asked, Whether Ways and Means would be taken as the first Order on Monday?


I think so; but it will depend upon the progress of other Business.