HC Deb 14 March 1879 vol 244 cc924-5

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether the negotiations between His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and members of the Irish Catholic Hierarchy, with reference to the question of University Education in Ireland, were initiated at the suggestion, or by the direction, or were carried on with the knowledge and sanction of Her Majesty's Government, or of any Member of the Cabinet, or of the right Honourable the Chief Secretary for Ireland; whether any undertaking was given or promise held out, by His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, to any member of the Irish Catholic Hierarchy or any other person, that a Bill dealing with the subject of University Educa- tion in Ireland would be introduced by Her Majesty's Government this Session; and, whether any Memorandum in reference thereto or consequent thereon was furnished to the Lord Lieutenant at the suggestion of His Excellency, or in compliance with his request, by certain of the Irish Catholic Hierarchy; and, if so, whether Her Majesty's Government will have any objection to lay the Memorandum referred to and copy of Correspondence, or Memorandum of any communications on the subject, upon the Table of the House?


Sir, I think that ever since I have been in Parliament the question of Irish University Education has from time to time obtained the attention of successive Governments, and, no doubt, there have been frequent communications on the subject between the Irish Government and persons of all positions interested in the question. It is perfectly true that at the present time the Lord Lieutenant has given his attention to this question, and, no doubt, he has been in communication with many persons of all professions and creeds in Ireland in reference to it. I am not aware, however, that there has been anything in the nature of what the lion. Member calls "negotiations" between the Lord Lieutenant and any persons on the matter, and certainly no undertaking or promise has ever been given by Her Majesty's Government or by the Lord Lieutenant to any person that a Bill dealing with Irish University Education would be introduced by Her Majesty's Government this Session. I am not aware that any Memorandum on this subject has ever been furnished to the Lord Lieutenant at his suggestion, or in compliance with his request, and, therefore, it cannot be laid upon the Table of the House.