HC Deb 30 June 1879 vol 247 cc949-50

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether he will lay upon the Table of the House a Copy of the Correspondence relating to the late Prince Imperial leaving this country for the seat of war; whether he will state the precise position of the Prince in, or in connection with, Her Majesty's Army; and, whether he will give at once, or so soon as they can be ascertained, the name and rank of the Officer by whom the Prince was put in orders on the 1st of June for the specific duty in the performance of which he lost his life?


I endeavoured, Sir, to answer this Question, with some others of a similar nature, the other day. I then explained what the Prince's position was in connection with the Service, as far as I understood it. And I also said that instructions were immediately sent out by telegraph to have an inquiry instituted and a Report made as to the facts. I have not yet received further particulars than those which I was in possession of last week.